Work at Home BD

Sunday, April 22, 2012

4 Suggestions for Tasks you can Outsource to a Virtual Assistant

As a business owner you may feel every part of it must be done by you. You’re the only one that knows how to do the tasks and if you don’t do them you may feel you’ll fail. While it’s hard to ask others to help you, it’s important to do it so you have more time.

If you don’t ask for help you’ll find you won’t have enough time to do everything and you won’t be able to grow. It’s important to figure out how to make that happen and one of the best ways to do that is outsource certain parts of your business to a Virtual Assistant. It will be hard at first, but you must do it in order to have the time you need to make your business a success.

Here are some suggestions for you to consider when you decide to hire a Virtual Assistant to help you grow your business.

1. Email

Within a short amount of time your email can take over. When this happens you’ll find the time you spend on your email will go from a few minutes to hours. If you allow this to happen you’ll have less time to spend on your business and that’s not what you need when you’re trying to grow and reach success. The best way to handle this is to hire a Virtual Assistant to help you weed through the SPAM and junk email.

2. Blog Posts

Your Virtual Assistant can help you with your blog posts. She can help you come up with topics, she can write them for you, and she can schedule your posts for you. When you think about the time it takes you to do these tasks, you’ll see the value of hiring one for this task.

3. Article Marketing

Article marketing is a very important task that business owners should use on a weekly basis. Your Virtual Assistant can handle this task for you, giving you more time to work the money making task that will help you reach success.

4. Social Networking Posts

Social networking posts help you to grow your business and share what you do with others. It’s a great way to reach out to a lot of people with one post. Your Virtual Assistant can write these posts and schedule them using a scheduling platform such as Hootsuite or TweetDeck. Scheduling posts allow you to have posts going out to your followers and you’ll be able work throughout the day and not be distracted by the income posts.

Growing your business and reaching success is the most important thing when you’re a business owner. There are certain tasks that must be completed by you, but there are the tasks that are perfect for outsourcing. When you outsource these tasks you’ll find time will be on your side and you’ll have more time to do the tasks that must be completed by you. You’ll also find when you have more time you’ll be able to do what it takes to reach success.