Work at Home BD

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Do you have a Website for your Business?

When you’re in business the most important thing is to draw attention to it. You won’t grow and have success if people don’t know you’re there to help them with their needs and desires. Sure you can use word of mouth and have people call you for orders, but that doesn’t help with those that are outside of your community and city. How do you share your business with those in other cities and stations?

A website is the answer. When you have a website for your business you have the ability to market it with social networking sites, flyers, business cards, advertising, and word of mouth. This is one of the only ways to draw attention to your business using those methods and have the ability to reach out to others in places you otherwise wouldn’t be able to do.

Your website can be designed using a free site such as Free Webs or you can use a blog type format using Blogger or WordPress. These formats give you the ability to start out with a website and not pay for any portion of it. Now don’t get me wrong, that’s a good way to go, but it’s not the best because it will be known that it’s free from the beginning. When you spend a little bit of money, you’ll find people will want to go to your site and they’ll know you spent money on your business and that you’re serious about it.

Domains cost around $13 a year and hosting will run you approximately $10 or more a month depending on the host you choose and the size you need for your website. These are estimates that’ll help you get started financially. WordPress is the best way to go for your site because it’s the easiest and it doesn’t require HTML or CSS knowledge to make it work. You can create your owns site or you can outsource it to a Virtual Assistant or Web Designer to handle for you, but that’s not necessary if you give it a try yourself.

Once your website is created you’re ready to market it through the suggestions listed above or ones you come up with on your own. Just remember, promoting your website whenever you have the ability will help you reach success with your business. People are using the Internet more and more and when you take your business to that level you’ll have more success than you would if you didn’t use this tool.